The Daily Sweat: NBA Betting Guide, SOTU Prop Bets, and Tuesday’s Sharp Action

The Daily Sweat: NBA Betting Guide, SOTU Prop Bets, and Tuesday’s Sharp Action article feature image

Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports

It's a big day here at The Daily Sweat with tons of NBA, Super Bowl, Dilly Dilly and even State of the Union address prop bet analysis.

NBA betting guide

Our betting and DFS experts offer the injury news, metrics, trends and betting market information needed to pick apart tonight's NBA slate.

Make Politics Fun Again

Got a few extra bucks left over after pounding the "dilly dilly prop" (more on this below)? Here's a look at State of the Union address prop bets available at a handful of offshore sportsbooks.

Sharp as a tack

Using our proprietary tools and betting data, we've pinpointed four college basketball games getting lit up by professional bettors.

Super Bowl line move

Philly money keeps coming down, forcing oddsmakers to adjust to the key number of 4 for the first time since the Super Bowl 52 line opened.

NHL bets payout too

How can bettors take advantage of the four-day NHL All-Star break?

Bye Blake

What does Monday's Blake Griffin trade mean for the Pistons, Clippers and the rest of the NBA?

History: 101

Evan Abrams take an incredible look at the gambling history of the Super Bowl, including the biggest line moves, crazy totals, shocking upsets and more.

Downloadable props sheet

Here's a list of props to download and print so you and your Super Bowl Party brethren can keep track of the most important Super Bowl 52 betting outcomes.

Halftime is for bettors

While the rest of your party is focused on Justin Timberlake and potential "wardrobe malfunctions", smart bettors will be watching for valuable second-half betting opportunities.

Dilly Dilly steam

After Mark Gallant's serious breakdown of the "dilly dilly prop", sportsbooks received so much one-sided action that the wager has been taken off the board entirely.

Photo via Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports

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