Kings vs. Nets NBA Betting Odds, Pick, Prediction: Can Brooklyn End Skid?

Kings vs. Nets NBA Betting Odds, Pick, Prediction: Can Brooklyn End Skid? article feature image

Stephen Gosling/Getty. Pictured: Patty Mills during a game against the Washington Wizards.

Kings vs. Nets Odds

Kings Odds-3
Netz Odds+3
Time7:30 p.m. ET
TVNBA League Pass
Odds via FanDuel. Get up-to-the-minute NBA odds here.

With the Super Bowl in the rear view mirror, it's time to move on from football for seven months.

Tonight's NBA action includes a matchup between the newly-constructed Sacramento Kings versus the reeling Brooklyn Nets. Both teams made big-time deals at the trade deadline, but the Nets haven't been able to change their fortunes as of late while the Kings have.

Brooklyn has now lost 11 games in a row, and they've dropped all the way into the eighth position in the east. The Nets will also be without their biggest stars as Kevin Durant is hurt, and Kyrie Irving is still ineligible to play in New York.

The Kings traded one of their brightest talents in Tyrese Haliburton at the trade deadline, and despite the blowback they've received, they've been alright so far in the short term. Sacramento is 2-1 since the deal but still in 13th in the West.

Here's where sharp bettors are putting their money ahead of the game.

Kings vs. Nets PRO Report Pick