Sharks vs. Stars NHL Prediction: Specific Parameters Mean Value on Moneyline (Saturday, Dec. 31)

Sharks vs. Stars NHL Prediction: Specific Parameters Mean Value on Moneyline (Saturday, Dec. 31) article feature image

Picture by Getty Images.

One of the Action Network's proprietary betting algorithms has indicated value on the moneyline for Sharks vs. Stars on Saturday night.

This particular algorithm only targets games under very specific parameters. Some of those parameters include time rested, changes in time zones, team win percentages and more.

The prediction tool has gone 101-56 (64%) since tracking data starting in 2005. It only singles out roughly nine NHL games per season.

A $500 bet per game would put a bettor up about $6,400 on those nine games per year had they tailed every pick that this algorithm selects.

That's an annualized return on investment of roughly 8% per year.

We don't recommend using this betting algorithm as an alternative to investing — variance is much less forgiving in sports gambling compared to the financial markets — but similar principles apply in regard to profits over a long time horizon.

Sharks vs. Stars Prediction